Meet Your Coach

Hi, I’m Jen. I’m the Founder of Psychotherapy Central and the author of Heal Your Anxious Attachment. 

If you want more connection in your intimate relationships and to break out of the repeating cycles of distress, this is for you! Having insecure attachment is NOT a life sentence; there is another way to be with yourself and in your intimate relationships.

I was stuck in repeating cycles of the anxious/avoidant dynamic, struggling to connect and being frustrated. It took me many years of study and practice to build 'Earned Secure Attachment,' and I show you how I did it in this five-week course.

I am limiting this group experience to only six committed people so we can go deep with each other, supporting each other in our growth and the exquisite opening that happens when you build an inner secure attachment. 

What will I learn?

📌 My unique method for building secure attachment

📌 How to use your triggers as treasures

📌 Map your inner system of parts

📌 Establish a connection with a part of you that is centred, confident and grounded

📌 Understand how to move forward in your relationship without the constant push/pull

I have developed ‘Earned Secure Attachment,’ and show you how to do it in this 5-week series.

If this resonates with you and you are willing to commit to "turning up" with the full intention of working on yourself together with me and the other 5 members, then I invite you to save your spot today.

I look forward to working with you and seeing your life-changing journey towards 'Earned Secure Attachment'.

With Love,


Jennifer Nurick

What will we cover over the 5 weeks of the program?

This program of empowerment and self-love combines psychotherapeutic skills rooted in Transactional Analysis and Internal Family System (IFS) and deep energetic healing. 

We will meet online for 2 hours each week over 5 weeks. All the information for each meetup, the dates, and times are below. Please search your heart to see if this experience is for you and if so, save your spot today. 


Week 1 - The Multiplicitous Self - Mapping your Inner System

We will explore your controlling and critical parts and other parts that are causing confusion and anxiety. We’ll explore which of these is leading and could maybe do with harmonising, deeper support, warmth, and understanding. 


Week 2 - Meet Your Inner Caretakers
You will get curious about what parts have been taking care of your younger parts, and we will go on a profound meditative journey to meet the caretakers in your system. This often facilitates an opening of the heart and increased soul energy (Self) in your system.


Week 3 - ‘The inner child is the Divine inside us that needs to be nurtured’ Sri Shakti Amma.
When you have an anxious attachment, you have an avoidant attachment with yourself, which causes you to reach out for the love that doesn't come internally. For this reason, this week is focused on deepening your self-love. Together, we will connect with your beautiful younger parts, knowing that your younger parts are Divine and are waiting to be nurtured by you. 


Week 4 - Wounded parts - triggers

In this deep session, we will explore triggers and what to do with them. You will learn a step-by-step process to work through when you feel distressed, to hold the distress and to do the healing work with the trigger. You will learn to value your triggers as treasures on your healing journey. 


Week 5 - Maintaining connection with your soul and younger parts.

Our final session will focus on growing your felt sense of connection to your soul self, your younger parts, and your natural state of flow, love, and deep peace.


When are the weekly meetup dates?

Australian Eastern Standard (AEST) Tuesday evenings 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.


  • March 19th
  • March 26th
  • April 2nd 
  • April 9th
  • April 16th


The beauty and strength of this Mastermind Group comes from the healing of all the participants. In order for us to build trust, connection and consistency, unless life throws you a curve ball, the expectation is that you will attend all of the 5 weekly sessions. I will send a recording each week in case you miss a class. 

I am beyond excited to facilitate this magical journey with you! 



Still have questions? Email me